Englisch Fachsprache Wirtschaftwissenschaften
verantwortlich: Dr. Fabienne Quennet

English for Students of Business Administration and Economics (C1)

SWS: 2


Einstufungsergebnis: 70-95

This course will help students enrolled in Business or Economics programmes to develop their ability to communicate appropriately in English in academic and professional situations. While all skills (reading, writing, listening, and speaking) will be addressed, there will be a stronger focus on spoken production and oral comprehension. We will base our discussions on current themes in the world of business and economics and will explore relevant podcasts, TED Talks, articles, and other sources.

The primary aims of the course are

  • to express yourself fluently and appropriately using idiomatic and subject-specific language
  • to be able to use important business and economics vocabulary
  • to produce professional writing with an appropriate tone
  • to understand authentic speech and written materials without significant effort

These aims will be achieved through speaking practice (discussions, scenario-tasks, presentations, etc.) with feedback. You will also be exposed to authentic text and audio/video sources. As necessary, we will clarify and practise grammatical constructions and subject-specific lexis.

To receive credit for the course, you will need to attend the course sessions and take a written exam as well as a speaking test at the end of the semester.





10514English for Students of Business Administration and Economics (C1)Mi18:15-19:4500036 PhilFak, Wilhelm-Röpke-Straße 6 (Block G)23.10.-12.02.Hussein Badat
49,60/ 70 €
49,60 EUR
für Angehörige der UMR/JLU/THM

49,60 EUR
für MitarbeiterInnen

70 EUR
für Externe

49,60 EUR
für Austauschstudierende