Englisch Fachsprache Medizin
verantwortlich: Dr. Fabienne Quennet

English for Students of Medicine (Wahlpflichtfach Vorklinikum; nur für Studierende im Vorklinikum) (B2-C1.2)

Stunden: 14


Einstufungsergebnis: 66-100

This course is designed for medical students in their pre-clinical studies. Emphasis will be on cultural conventions and spoken-language competence in everyday professional situations. By active participation in this class students will be able to achieve the following:

  • discuss disease and conditions / using anatomical and medical terminology
  • gain confidence in the procedural aspects of medicine: doing a physical examination, talking and listening to patients (doctor - patient communication)
  • describe symptoms / present cases
  • take clinical histories / patient interview
  • find relevant information (i.e. websites, books, explanations of abbreviations)
  • discuss relevant controversial issues in medicine
  • effective presentation skills concerning medical issue of choice

Certificate requirements: Regular attendance and homework is a must. Your grade will be based on active participation, homework and a presentation you have to give.

00517English for Students of Medicine B2-C1 (Wahlpflichtfach Vorklinikum) #*+Mi18:15-19:4500036b PhilFak, Wilhelm-Röpke-Straße 6 (Block G)08.05.-26.06.Dr. Fabienne Quennet
0/ 24,50 €
für Angehörige der UMR/JLU/THM

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24,50 EUR
für Externe

für Austauschstudierende