Englisch B1
verantwortlich: Dr. Fabienne Quennet

General English (B1)

SWS: 2


Einstufungsergebnis: 30-50

This course is intended for students who feel that they should brush up their general language knowledge.
After the course, you will be more competent in

  • writing short, simple essays on topics of interest and brief reports
  • paraphrasing and summarizing short pieces of information from several different sources
  • using a good range of vocabulary of most general topics
  • giving short presentations
  • understanding factual texts on subjects related to your field and interest
  • understanding the main points and information content of the majority of recorded or broadcast audio material on topics of personal interest spoken in clear standard speech

Certificate requirements: Regular attendance and homework is a must. Your grade will be based your homework that you have to hand in, in-course quizzes and a final exam at the end of the semester.

Book used*:  Empower B1 Pre-intermediate. Second Edition, Cambridge University Press, 2022; ISBN 978-3-12-540763-3; units 4-6.

*Book used means that the course works with the textbook material for about 60% of the course.

00503General English (B1) Group BMi16:15-17:45022 SZ, Biegenstraße 1224.04.-17.07.Hussein Badat
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