Englisch B2
verantwortlich: Dr. Fabienne Quennet

Academic English (B2) Group A

SWS: 2


Einstufungsergebnis: 50-70 

This course is intended for students who feel that they would like to consolidate their general language knowledge without a focus on English for special purpose topics. After successful completion of the course, you will be more competent in

  • writing an essay or report which develops an argument, giving reasons in support of or against a particular point of view
  • synthesizing information and arguments from a number of sources in writing and speaking
  • expressing your ideas and opinions convincingly in providing relevant explanations, arguments and comments
  • understanding articles and reports concerned with contemporary problems
  • quickly identifying the content and relevance of news items, articles and reports on a wide range of general and professional topics
  • understanding standard spoken language on both familiar and unfamiliar topics
  • following extended speech and complex lines of argument provided the topic is reasonably familiar
  • using a sufficient range of vocabulary and you show a relatively high degree of grammatical control

Certificate requirements: Regular attendance and ILIAS work and uploads are a must. Your grade will be based your ILIAS work and a final exam at the end of the semester.

Book recommended*: Empower B2 Second Edition Combo B with digital pack, Cambridge UP/Klett ISBN 3125407787

*Book recommended means that the course will use material from the book but less than 60%.


10505Academic English (B2) Group AMi10:15-11:45014 SZ, Biegenstraße 1223.10.-12.02.Hussein Badat
49,60/ 70 €
49,60 EUR
für Angehörige der UMR/JLU/THM

49,60 EUR
für MitarbeiterInnen

70 EUR
für Externe

49,60 EUR
für Austauschstudierende

Academic English (B2) Group B

SWS: 2


Einstufungsergebnis: 50-70

This course is intended for students who feel that they would like to consolidate their general language knowledge without a focus on English for special purpose topics. After successful completion of the course, you will be more competent in

  • writing an essay or report which develops an argument, giving reasons in support of or against a particular point of view
  • synthesizing information and arguments from a number of sources in writing and speaking
  • expressing your ideas and opinions convincingly in providing relevant explanations, arguments and comments
  • understanding articles and reports concerned with contemporary problems
  • quickly identifying the content and relevance of news items, articles and reports on a wide range of general and professional topics
  • understanding standard spoken language on both familiar and unfamiliar topics
  • following extended speech and complex lines of argument provided the topic is reasonably familiar
  • using a sufficient range of vocabulary and you show a relatively high degree of grammatical control

Certificate requirements: Regular attendance and ILIAS work and uploads are a must. Your grade will be based your ILIAS work and a final exam at the end of the semester.



10506Academic English (B2) Group BMi16:15-17:4500038 PhilFak, Wilhelm-Röpke-Straße 6 (Block G)23.10.-12.02.Hussein Badat
49,60/ 70 €
49,60 EUR
für Angehörige der UMR/JLU/THM

49,60 EUR
für MitarbeiterInnen

70 EUR
für Externe

49,60 EUR
für Austauschstudierende

Oral Skills (B2) Group A

SWS: 2


Einstufungsergebnis: 50-70

This course is designed for students who are looking for speaking practice. It may be especially helpful for students who have so far focused more on formal aspects of the language (e.g. grammar, writing) and would like to develop their real-life communication skills in English. The course will focus mostly on

  • developing fluency and spontaneity in speaking
  • avoiding mistakes in speaking
  • improving pronunciation to become a more natural-sounding speaker
  • adapting to the specific communicative situation
  • speaking English in some challenging situations (interviews, presentations)

We will achieve this by working on a variety of speaking activities from week to week. At the end of the course, you should have solid speaking skills at B2 level, which means that you are fluent and spontaneous in most situations, still make some mistakes, but generally can handle communication successfully and with little difficulty.



10507Oral Skills (B2) Group ADi16:15-17:45013 SZ, Biegenstraße 1222.10.-11.02.Dr. Sihem Hamlaoui
49,60/ 70 €
49,60 EUR
für Angehörige der UMR/JLU/THM

49,60 EUR
für MitarbeiterInnen

70 EUR
für Externe

49,60 EUR
für Austauschstudierende

Oral Skills (B2) Group B

SWS: 2


Einstufungsergebnis: 50-70

This course is designed for students who are looking for speaking practice. It may be especially helpful for students who have so far focused more on formal aspects of the language (e.g. grammar, writing) and would like to develop their real-life communication skills in English. The course will focus mostly on

  • developing fluency and spontaneity in speaking
  • avoiding mistakes in speaking
  • improving pronunciation to become a more natural-sounding speaker
  • adapting to the specific communicative situation
  • speaking English in some challenging situations (interviews, presentations)

We will achieve this by working on a variety of speaking activities from week to week. At the end of the course, you should have solid speaking skills at B2 level, which means that you are fluent and spontaneous in most situations, still make some mistakes, but generally can handle communication successfully and with little difficulty.




10508Oral Skills (B2) Group BDi16:15-17:4503D09 PhilFak, Wilhelm-Röpke-Str. 622.10.-11.02.David Zook
49,60/ 70 €
49,60 EUR
für Angehörige der UMR/JLU/THM

49,60 EUR
für MitarbeiterInnen

70 EUR
für Externe

49,60 EUR
für Austauschstudierende